Tune Ups
A tune-up is a great way to keep your engine working efficiently. Getting a tune up at Carz R Us will enhance the performance and efficiency of your vehicle. We recommend pairing the tune-up with the emissions/fuel service to clean the system before having the new components installed.
A tune-up includes:
- Thorough engine inspection and replacement of spark plugs
- Spark plug wires or boots may be replaced based on age
- If applicable, distributor cap and rotor replacement
- PCV (Positive Crank Ventilation) Valve replaced if accessible (helps prevent oil leaks)
- Fluids topped off
- Air, fuel, and cabin filters checked and replaced if needed

The purpose of a tune-up is to replace worn out parts before they become a bigger problem. This preventative car maintenance will help you save money in the long run. We recommend a tune-up based on manufacturer recommendation. If a tune-up is performed at an appropriate mileage and age it helps ensure this service is maintenance and NOT a repair!
Tune Up Services
- Spark plug
- Spark plug wires
- Ignition coil
- Engine air filter
- Distributor
- Distributor cap/rotor
- PCV valve (Positive Crank Ventilation)